Open WebSite
For the exact match, you should specify the only one word.
To generate a complex regular expression, you should specify at least two words, each one on a new line.
Those words should be of minimum and maximum length.
Character set:
`.^` - means absolutely anyone symbol;
`.+` - means 1-∞ any symbols;
`.*` - means 0-∞ any symbols.
For the case with multiple patterns in a single regular expression (groups), you should specify the examples for each group separated by a blank line (see example 'Codes group').
If the regular expression should contain certain character(s), you should specify them here, each on a new line.
This input field is used to block certain character sets.
For the more accurate blocking, it is highly recommended that you specify common characters (such as `@` and `.` for email) if present, or other character(s) you wish to block.
You need to use the * symbol for any number of any characters.
To block the first and/or last character, then specify them without the '*' symbol at the beginning or end, respectively.
To avoid blocking - do not specify anything or specify `!` (for groups).
Clear all input fields or Save Regex